Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Just Some Hoops!

First, I would like to say that today was a MUCH better day than yesterday at work! I was able to get all the Truman Reader Club invites finished! (I can't wait to share what that is with all the upcoming 7th graders!) The internet was working like a CHAMP, and we started moving some of our new bookcases! 

Tonight I discovered that my MS basketball skills are still FRESH! I think that is the "cool" term for good. Who knows, you kids change your lingo all the time. Anyways, Mr. Hulstine, Brock, and myself had to run to the JH tonight to get some things ready for FCA in the morning. (Another great thing I can't wait to share with the upcoming 7th graders!) Mr. Hulstine got the brilliant idea that we could shot some hoops. Brock was super pumped about it! That lasted a HOT second as he discovered it was a lot more fun to slide across the gym floor in his house shoes then shot a ball that he can't even get close the hoop. Mr. Hulstine and I decided to play a game of "Horse" and "Pig." I was hitting the corner of the square and getting that ball in the hoop. Mr. Hulstine discovered my weakness. That is if I can't aim for the square the ball is not going in. I am not for sure why we think playing a game against each other is every a good idea because it always turns into WAR! We are two competitive people that will do just about anything to beat the other person. He made a basket from HALF COURT! My little stub for arms can barely get the ball near the hoop from the 3-pt line. 

In the end, I was a Horse and he was a Pig! The good news is that I beat him on a one-to-one game. Grant it, I only had to score one basket on him to his five against me. Based on the fact that my basketball abilities have not changed since MS, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit! I will take that W and not complain! 


  1. I love your description of spontaneous fun, and your use of "kid" language to play up the sense of it.

    Don't forget to post a link to your blog on Two Writing Teachers so more people can read your great work!!

  2. Love this line: "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!" My new mantra!
