Today I turned the big 31! The day was perfect for some many reasons!
1. My boys sang to me first time this morning!
2. Brock picked at an Ariel Princess doll because he said that I am a princess!
3. Lots of my students came in to tell me Happy Birthday!
4. 4 classes came in during 1st hour to sing to me (as Mr. Belt said once, this is not suppose to be pretty sounding)
5. My sweet aide bought me a book light! (Mr. Hulstine was excited because that means he doesn't have to keep his light on at night while I read)
6. My sweet friend made me a charm bracelet!
7. My parent pal spoiled me with chocolate and a shopping gift-card.
8. My husband sang to me multiple times (including one time with a horse mask! DON'T ASK)
9. My mom, brother, and sister-in-law all come over!
10. I ran 5 miles today!
11. Received a singing voice message from my 2nd mom (Mother-in-law).
12. My husband brought home sushi for dinner!
13. Watched the latest episode of The Voice with my boys!
14. Another sweet friend hang signs outside the library telling everyone it was my birthday!
15. My sweet dog has been by my side all evening!
16. A sweet student brought me the sweetest cute with a cute little Spiderman ball.
17. Lunch with my husband
18. Beautiful sunshine today!
19. Brock got me some Peeps!
20. I did NO housework after school!
21. Brock was able to rescue Ariel from Venom (he is the one who put her in the box)
22. Reading stories to my little man
23. Was able to finish ALL my grading at school!
24. Great conversations with some close friends!
25. Went for a ride in my brother's new truck!
26. Lots of sweet messages on Facebook from my family in England!
27. Lots of sweet messages on Facebook from friends and family!
28. How could I forgot, I received a Cadbury egg!
29. Warm blankets to snuggle with!
30. FaceTime with the family!
31. Thankful for another year of celebrating with my family!
Happy birthday! Sounds like lots of celebrate. Glad it was a good day.